Howdy, everyone!

Perfection.. What is perfection?! WHat is IT, if for me is something, and for you is something else? Is just a perception, an oppinion. There is no such thing as perfection! I'm pissed because of that!
Perfect relation-ship? Cred ca inseamna o balanta perfecta intre eforturile celor 2... (there's no such thing like balance!!)
Perfect job? Pentru mine este jobul care nu simt ca e job..ci pasiune, ci relaxare...
Perfect world? ...Duh...

Poate sunt prea "capsata" azi, dar.. perfection, my dear ones, today is meaning less for me..
Perfection is when you FEEL it like, not when you check lists for atributes! Perfection cannot be explained!
Ironic..isn't it?


Written on Dec 2nd, 2009


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