
Da, am cateva issues:

1. Nu stiu ce ii freaca pe altii grija de capra vecinului?! Frate, pe pamantul asta fiecare isi are un rol, tu vezi-ti de treaba ta acolo si nu te mai intreba "Dar daca ala face si el asa, eu de ce sa nu fac?" ( Pt ca ai fi o oaie proasta si cu spirit de turma, lipsita de creier si discernamant?!), sau "Dar de ce i-ai dat la ala si mie nu"? (Pt ca esti same stupid cow/pig si nu ai facut nimic sa meriti?!?! - imi cer scuze animalelor, e posibil ca ele sa fie niste deosebite..) Bai, ma scot din minti infantilismele, orgoliile si porcariile astea!

2. All things must come to an end.... An unshared love, a continuous hope for some things to happen, being polite to buttheads, being nice to stupid people, or ...well, just take a day off from every single thing that means a little or more effort from you, send them in vacantion to ignorance's land, and take a deep breath and just breath in, breath out... And silence... And, as somebody said 2day, going "somewhere between nowhere and goodbye" would be a bless..

3. I miss simple things, I miss me being simple, why sophistication is such a great issue or a "must have" checked point in order to step up in society? Again, I miss simple things.

4. Daca te uiti de sus peste oras, dimineata, vezi o colcaiala de masini, oameni, animale, aburi, asta este colonia umana. Daca te uiti si in casele lor, si in familiile lor, uneori, mai des, te iei cu mainile de par... Si iti folosesti darul si puterea de a alege ce sa pastrezi in minte si inima, si ce sa lasi sa treaca pe langa tine ca IC prin gara de la Lehliu.

5. I scream and shout 2day...4 missing.. And hate this empty whatever I feel. And I hate that is a hole that must be filled by sombody and not by me. And I do no longer belive in fairy-tales. Paradise is a far, far away kingdome..

2day I'm oly human, living my humanity at the edge, and I give up... Ma duc sa fac un dus..fiert, lung, si binefacator... Macar mirosul de curat si de iasomie imi face bine la cap.



  1. Marlow, good to have friends in Italy! Thank you for your compliments. Waiting 4 you here to get up-dated! :) Thank you again, w8ing for comments and suggestions.



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