Me: Godess!
Citesc cu drag blogul Simonei Catrina.
Astazi mi-a atras atentia antetul acestui blog. Sub numele ei scris frumos, apare urmatorul citat:
"Nu suntem muritori, e clar. Dar suntem niste zei prosti, niste nemuritori care ne-am uitat destinul. (Constantin Noica)"
Nu stiu care este destinul meu, dar sigur vad drumul ce se intinde in fata. Fix pana la bordura. Dar il vad clar. Vine un moment cand ratiunea mea de zeu, spune sentimentelor mele de zeu: "Rabdare"...
Sunt nascuta, dupa cum spuneam, sub semnul lui Amon-Ra, first known as Amun-Re. Chiar si numele meu contine numele lui... Si iata ce spune despre el Enciclopedia Britanica:
"Egyptian deity revered as king of the gods. Amon may have originally been one of the eight deities of the Hermapolite creation myth. His cult spread to Thebes, where he became patron of the pharaohs by Mentuhotep I's reign (2008 – 1957 BCE) and was identified with the sun god Re. Represented as a human, a ram, or both, Amon-Re was worshiped with the goddess Mut and the youthful god Khons.Akhenaton directed his reforms against the cult of Amon, but with little success, and Amon's status was restored in the 14th – 13th century BCE. In the New Kingdom, Amon came to be seen as one of a triad with Ptah and Re, and in the 11th – 10th century BCE as a universal god who intervened in affairs of state by speaking through oracles."
Ce inseamna numele lui? Eciclopedia Iudaismului ne spune:
"A word meaning "truly", "let it happen,"or "so be it," used to endorse a hope or wish but more especially to confirm a blessing, curse, or prayer which one has heard."
Sometimes ma gandesc... din cate forte vazute si nevazute s-a nascut forta mea? Pentru ca uneori, va jur, nu stiu cum reusesc sa trec peste niste momente in viata care pe altii i-ar fi dus direct de rapa.
Si uneori ma mai gadesc ca dorintele mele mereu iau contur, si se materializeaza. Asta pentru ca anagrama numelui meu poate fi tradusa prin "asa sa fie"?!
De asta am iubit intotdeauna "So say we all" din Battlestar Galactica....
Because I believe in magic....So be it...
Astazi mi-a atras atentia antetul acestui blog. Sub numele ei scris frumos, apare urmatorul citat:
"Nu suntem muritori, e clar. Dar suntem niste zei prosti, niste nemuritori care ne-am uitat destinul. (Constantin Noica)"
Nu stiu care este destinul meu, dar sigur vad drumul ce se intinde in fata. Fix pana la bordura. Dar il vad clar. Vine un moment cand ratiunea mea de zeu, spune sentimentelor mele de zeu: "Rabdare"...
Sunt nascuta, dupa cum spuneam, sub semnul lui Amon-Ra, first known as Amun-Re. Chiar si numele meu contine numele lui... Si iata ce spune despre el Enciclopedia Britanica:
"Egyptian deity revered as king of the gods. Amon may have originally been one of the eight deities of the Hermapolite creation myth. His cult spread to Thebes, where he became patron of the pharaohs by Mentuhotep I's reign (2008 – 1957 BCE) and was identified with the sun god Re. Represented as a human, a ram, or both, Amon-Re was worshiped with the goddess Mut and the youthful god Khons.Akhenaton directed his reforms against the cult of Amon, but with little success, and Amon's status was restored in the 14th – 13th century BCE. In the New Kingdom, Amon came to be seen as one of a triad with Ptah and Re, and in the 11th – 10th century BCE as a universal god who intervened in affairs of state by speaking through oracles."
Ce inseamna numele lui? Eciclopedia Iudaismului ne spune:
"A word meaning "truly", "let it happen,"or "so be it," used to endorse a hope or wish but more especially to confirm a blessing, curse, or prayer which one has heard."
Sometimes ma gandesc... din cate forte vazute si nevazute s-a nascut forta mea? Pentru ca uneori, va jur, nu stiu cum reusesc sa trec peste niste momente in viata care pe altii i-ar fi dus direct de rapa.
Si uneori ma mai gadesc ca dorintele mele mereu iau contur, si se materializeaza. Asta pentru ca anagrama numelui meu poate fi tradusa prin "asa sa fie"?!
De asta am iubit intotdeauna "So say we all" din Battlestar Galactica....
Because I believe in magic....So be it...
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